Ikaris is a fictional character appearing in Marvel Comics. The character, playd by Actor Richard Madden is depicted as a member of a human offshoot race known as the Eternals. He is a third generation member of the Eternals, an evolutionary offshoot of humanity who possesses extraordinarily long life spans and superhuman powers. He was born over 20,000 years ago to two members of the Polar Eternals, the group of Eternals living in the Eternal city of Polaria in what is now Siberia. Catch him in the 2021 movie alongside Sersi.
- Digitally printed tunic top in new wet-look material and fibre filled muscle chest and stitching. Top features a neck collar with foam backing
- Full length sleeves with digital print and fibre filled muscles with stitching details plus layered-look hemline at front and rear
- Matching Pants with attached foam backed boot covers plus foam backing behind the knee pads
- This is an officially licensed Marvel product
Shoes not included
Please note - This is a Clearance product and is not eligible for Return.